Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The Mezoan Interdictory


+++DATE 4334222 M41
+++REF 16661/MZO/MRS
+++TO : UNDISCLOSED..... ERROR.... VERMILLION..... ERROR..........




My lords of the Ordo M...ERROR..(REDACTED), find appended for eyes and sensory inputs only recent pict captures by our undercover operatives and co-opted servitors on Mezoa.


These captures appear to confirm that after 24 Solar Cycles the Mezoan Interdictory has returned!

The Interdictory has re-established a presence on the Forgeworld of Mezoa and is now operating in the open after being hidden for almost a quarter of a Century. 


The databanks of the Ordo Mechinum register this elusive non heretical aspect of the Cult Mechanicus as being unique to the forges of Mezoa. Historical context confirms they act as a stabilising investigatory force tasked with a role similar to that of our own sacred Ordo. Their remit is to root out tech heresy and apostasy within the realms of the Mezoan Priesthood and the Knights of House Hermetika. Their members are often drawn from numerous roles within the Forges auspices ranging from lowly Geneitors and Historitors through to the High Priests of Mezoa and the Sacristan Lords of Hermetika.


This forces absence has been absent for an unusual length of time with no details available at present, however their absence has been linked to an Ork based incursion in the Northern reaches of the Mezoan Sector due to the capture of the keyword “SKULLZ” being heard on their encrypted noo-spheric data channels. In recent months rumours of their return have been building following the pict capture of an Encarii pattern Tachypleus (OM-Pict Capture REF: 20211007INS746R4M) bearing their icons. The concern amongst those of the Ordo aware of this is that their return will identify and lead to the removal of our assets from the field as whilst our goals align there a many previous examples of the Interdictory engaging in open warfare with our assets to protect the sovereignty of their realm.


Your Humble servant would suggest that were the Ordo to dispatch an Inquisitional Delegation to meet with the Lords of Mezoa this would, with a 89.943753953% degree of certainty, distract the Mezoan priests from investigating further by focusing their attention on the delegation, thus protecting our assets and allowing our holy work to continue undetected.


Your servant in Cog, Gear, Circuit, and the Motive Force,



+++ SUB-ROUT……..#@#$%!
+++ SUB-……….@@@~@~####



Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Assassination Attempts!

An unknown group of assassins observed operating within the confines of the moon forges of Mezoa. Their provenance and tasking is as yet unknown.

Detection of these assets has caused grave concern within the Mezoan Interdictory as to have pulled together operatives from the main clades in to a single kill team suggests there are as yet unidentified high level players, likely the Inquisition, operating within the area unannounced.

Unknown Callidus Operative:

Unknown Culexus Operative:

Unknown Vindicare Operative:

Unknown Eversor Operative:

Unknown Adamus Operative:

Unknown Venenum Operative

Unknown Vanus Operative:


 All themed as closely as possible with the same techniques and using the same colour palette. I think the infocyte is my favourite, followed by the new version of the original assassin

Monday, August 05, 2024

Mezoan Forges - Whats that coming over the hill??

 A trio of deadly accurate Sydonian Skatros snipers. Within the forges of Mezoa these leathal soldiers are part of the Alta Puerorum Clade of warriors and are assigned to battle hosts whenever the need arises.

Friday, August 02, 2024

Samson Heavy Lifter - Aeronautia Imperialis

 A massive Samson Class cargo lifter, one of the work orbital workhorses from the fleet of the Andraxis Rogue Trader dynasty, making planet fall on the landing fields of Mezoa.


This brilliant model from @broncofish / @grimdarkterrain is another that I picked up to use as terrain in Aeronautica Imperialis and Legions Imperialis games. I thought it would be cool to theme this as well to match my large scale Graia pattern lander I have for 28mm terrain. Added the two BU-11 landers from @bitsblitzdesigns and a paint pot to show scale in the last picture.

Thursday, August 01, 2024

Andraxis Resurgent - Aeronautica Imperials

 A pair of BU-11 lifters from the fleet of the Andraxis Rogue Trader dynasty make planet fall on the landing fields of Mezoa after an absence of some years due to ongoing local conflicts.


These are a pair of cool little flyers from @bitsblitzdesigns that I picked up to use as terrain in Aeronautica Imperialis and Legions Imperialis games. I thought it would be cool to theme them to match my large scale Graia pattern lander I have for 28mm terrain. Cool little models and simple to paint to what I think is a good standard.
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