Friday, July 10, 2015

AOS Escalation - not an expansion, the Nerd Rage has escalated!

To me this takes nerd rage to a whole new level!

Now I get some people like and dislike AOS, people like and dislike a whole host of things but this just seems overkill!

Now as a disclaimer here I must state that its fantasy so not overly interested either way as never played fantasy, but this "individual" really is over reacting. Just think of all the wasted money there he has ploughed in to that army and now he cant play 8th ed or similar!

This comes after tales of people flipping out at GWHQ and throwing over people game tables over in protest at AOS, to me this just shows how stupid the gaming community is being and not giving AOS a chance, its not fully out and its not a week old. Importantly and this is what a lot of gamer are missing is its not like you cant play your old editions either! Your friends and local clubs will still play 6th, 7th and 8th ed, and I know of at least 3 GW stores where they wont stop you playing them either so I just don't get it!

Please don't let this descend in to AOS bashing, I am more interested in your views on his reaction!


Goodbye, hundreds of dollars of precious plastic!

Welp, perhaps it was inevitable.

Many gamers get angry about changes to games they love, but YouTuber Death, Holy Death has taken that rage to an extreme in protest of the cancellation of Warhammer Fantasy Battle and its subsequent replacement with the rebooted game Warhammer Age of Sigmar. See, Age of Sigmar has significantly different rules from its predecessor - some of which are admittedly a bit silly. This man is, perhaps understandably, furious about the changes. To that end he has burned his Warhammer army to a raucous death metal track, a collection that, eyeballing it, was likely worth upwards of $900 USD at retail price. Not counting the hours spent assembling and painting those miniatures which were assembled and painted.

furious about warhammer age of sigmar man burns army
In his pre-pyre rant, Death, Holy Death admits that he's not taking the changes well, unleashing a litany of angry insults against game publisher Games Workshop for creating the game instead of a new edition of Warhammer Fantasy Battle. He also takes the time to briefly outline his issues with the new rules. I don't particularly recommend the rant - it's profanity laden, offensive, and not safe for work.

Either way, if you want to watch the horror unfold, here's the video bookmarked where the burning starts:

Curious about the rules that could inspire such fury? We've highlighted a few of the silliest new rules we could find here.


article originally from

now to lighten the mood I present to you:




  1. I think the guy has taken leave of his senses

    or merely doing it for 15 minutes of fame on the internet

    For me if you do not like the new rules then carry on playing the system you do like. GW are not forcing you to buy and play the new game.

    I would hate to see what reaction he would have to something that really mattered in life if he reacts to toy soldiers

  2. I understand his rage. He has played for years - supported the hobby and GW with his time, money, and mentorship of new players - only to have GW tell him that he's not part of their customer base anymore and here are some really, really silly rules to take out the door with him as he goes.

    It's fine that you like AoS - but realize that it represents the death of what was once a flourishing hobby and rules-set, and some people aren't at all happy with that.

  3. agreed gareth, the old rules still function so use em.

    anonymous have never said I like AOS, haven't played it and doesn't interest me as its fantasy, but his over reaction is crazy. why could he not see gareths point? as an ex epic, necro, bfg, inquisitor and mordheim player im used to getting screwed by these systems dying out but I either sold the models or kept playing with people who wanted to play so I don't get why he cant do that

  4. I think the reaction in such a tiny span of time (the game really comes out this weekend) is pretty absurd. From all indications, there is a TON of things on the way, and it's only the tip of the ice berg. Throwing fits because you don't like the few pages of a book is absurd. At least give it a decent read first!

    From a success standpoint though, it appears GW hit it out of the park with this one. Some of the major gaming stores have posted publicly that they have NEVER sold this well with a release in games workshops history.

  5. That's nuts. Why not just continue playing 8th with his friends ?

  6. The reaction was sillier that the situation that sparked it but they were his toys... if he'd rather give them Viking send off than sell them or retire them to a closet I'm ok with that... it hurts to watch but... there it is. I've a huge investment in Workshop product and in time spent but while it is sad to see the official end of "The Old World" it will live on as, very likely, will its young successor at our table. I keep in mind that the hobby is what I make of it for me and my gaming circle and if we don't like a game... we'll modify it to suit us or move on to something that gives us a better experience.
