Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Mrs Polywolf Charity Draw

Hi Folks,
this is something unusual for the blogs but I felt it is something that should be flagged up, rather than try to put it in to words please read the below post from the Admin of many of the FB trade pages you might use, Polywolf.
 Please as a community lets get together and help one of those guys that dedicates a lot of his personal time to making the community richer and show him how much he is appreciated.


Hey everyone, Polywolf here,
This is hard for me to say and even promote but here goes; my wife has Young Onset Parkinsons, Fibromyalgia and is only 38yrs. She had a car accident 2 yrs ago and her health has gone slowly down since then. I would say that up to 70% of her day, her muscles are cramped up, and she is in pain. She is in her bed or wheelchair for the majority of her day and often someone has to get up in the middle of the night to help her move and take pills. We are now looking at possibly having to move her into a care home for a while so she can possibly recover some of her movement back and be in less pain.
Associated with her medical problems come medical expenses and special food and homecare costs which are piling up fast.
Here is where I have more problems asking people for things. I’ve purchased a Limited edition StormClaw box from Games workshop. (The Space Wolves Force includes: Krom Dragongaze, 1 Space Wolf Pack of 10 miniatures and 5 Wolf Guard Terminators.The Ork Force includes: Grukk Face-rippa, 5 Ork Nobz, 3 Killa Kans and 10 Gretchin with a Runtherd.The 32 page Stormclaw Campaign Supplement and it also includes a small-format paperback edition of Warhammer 40,000: The Rules.)

 To help finance some of my wife’s medical costs I’m going to raffle off the Stormclaw box at $2 per ticket. I’m going to allow people to buy as many tickets as they want and I’m going to use a real raffle ticket dispenser to give them a raffle number. Please comment on this post and message Dave if you would like a ticket for the raffle.


So folks if you would like to help a fellow gamer out please comment below or email me at millests_m_m@btinternet.com and I will provide details. The draw is slated for the end of august to give everyone a chance to get involved so lets all pull together.