Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Blog News - Hobby Mishaps and Progress Advice

So folks after a massive break from the hobby (for which I will forever feel guilty) I am starting to get back on the hobby horse, and have decided to finally clear out some of my unused forgeworld stuff (including some super heavies) on ebay to make way for some more massive FW projects to come my way to make me enjoy it a bit more.

I recently had a bit of a hobby mishap where an entire platoons worth of guard which were in the process of being stripped got ruined, somehow they all melted despite me using the normal stuff I use. Admittedly they were older plastics so that could have been the cause. that was about a month ago and kind of knocked me wanting to get back going but I think I'm there now.

I am now looking to restart these guard and potentially revisit my existing models but there is still a question ongoing in my mind. On the shoulders of the models above (I dont know if you can see it) there are brass etch eagles and inquisition =I=s (and variations there of) on the other, in addition to the helmet and chest eagles. I am trying to decide if I should do one of the following three things with them, should I:

  • start picking them out in the grey/white used on my inquisitor terminator is worth it
  • leave them green and subdued (and potentially lost)
  • remove them and have the pads just painted plain green as with the rest of the armour
Any thoughts on this progress would be appreciated, hopefully there will be some proper hobby progress soon!

1 comment:

  1. I'd try highlighting the "eagles and I's" with brighter greens, the same way you would with dark green power armor. That way, you'd get the sense that they are supposed to be subdued markings, but they wouldn't be totally lost.2
