Tuesday, September 06, 2011

A Tale of Five Gamers - Completed Forces Final Round-up and Voting!

Final Completed Forces Round-up and Chance to vote for your Favourite Force
Well folk's there you have it the completion (for some) of the TOFG 500 point challenge. OK, so not everyone has completed and yes it's taken a while however for the most part it's been worth it. Not only have we all got back in to the 40k hobby but we have managed to introduce another victim to it, for that alone it's been a good challenge.

So why this final round up post? well this is where you all come in, while I'm away on holiday there is a vote running at the top of the blog where you can vote for your favourite force in this leg of the challenge. To help you recap and decide who to vote for here is a rundown of all the submissions:
As you can see varying degrees of completion but all give good viewing. So please cast your votes at the top of the blog, also please feel free to comment on this post or even direct on the posts above, to assist with that comment moderation has now been turned off as I wont be here to moderate. Not sure if there is a prize or its jut bragging rights but I will discuss this with the guys and we will announce once the results are in, but any thoughts would be great as it might persuade them to get involved.

Hope you have all enjoyed the progress and the models that have come out of the challenge, apologies it has dragged on and there has been little updating in some areas. Suffice to say however the 750 challenge will be over a much shorter period and hopefully there will be some nice completed forces from people. Not to mention I will be working on the odd side project as well on my return so who knows the hobby content might actually increase!!

So once again thanks for sticking with this and getting this far. Hope you all like what you see and hope you feel able to vote.

Thanks to all and hope to see you after my holidays.


  1. I went guard, most complete looking and I have a big bias since i am a guard player :)

    They all look good however so a +1 to the guard and +0.9 for the others!

    Looking forward to seeing the battle reports.

  2. thanks for your vote :) nice to get it and nice to know that people are pleased i managed a complete force :)
