Monday, March 28, 2022

Aeronautica Imperialis - Formicis Planum?

Never the most fortunate of chapters the Lamenters have always suffered their ill fate in stoic silence. This luck appeared as if it had started to turn for them after the rise of the Primarch. Shortly prior to the gaining of their Primaris bretheren the chapter miraculously received news of a massively overdue resupply shipment coming in from the Forge world of Ryza.

 The jubilation at this resupply however was short lived, the expected arms and armaments were not forthcoming and the shipment amounted to a single, ancient pattern, Thunderhawk that was barely armed or battleworthy.

 The Ryzan contingent, not wanting to be marred by the foul luck of the Lamenters, delivered this single vessel via remote pilot. On delivery in to the Lamenters flagship hangers the final transmission the received by the Ryzan fleet before breaking orbit as rapidly as decorum allowed was a single archaic and cryptic phrase in high gothic - quid est hoc, formicis planum?

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Aeronautica Imperialis - 189th Parovian "Emperors Gambit" Air Wing

The 189th Parovian "Emperors Gambit" Air Wing is listed on Imperial records as being a mixed combat unit of Valkyries and Vultures.

Painted using the guide on the Warhammer TV youtube channel i think these have turned out great. A few detail tweaks and the addition of some of the "Chess" themed transfers (hence the unit name) from the Titanicus sheets and i think we have a winner

Wednesday, March 09, 2022

Aeronautica Imperialis - Mezoan Arvus Lighter

Mezoa Interspatial Logistical Locomotive Unit - Arvus Variant

I have also painted up a slightly converted (added a multilaser) Arvus Lighter in the colour scheme of my Forgeworld Mezoa forces

Monday, March 07, 2022

Aeronautica Imperialis - Inquisitional Thunderhawk

Finally got round to painting some of my Tiny planes as well!

This thunderhawk belongs to Inquisitor Castlegar as he accompanies the Indomitus fleets. The use of the blue is to show his alignment to the crusade.

This is another vehicle pained using u/warhipster techniques for contrast paints on vehicles and the weathering (which I hope comes out clearly on the pics) is simple a HB pencil rubbed along leading edges or occasionally streaked down the vehicle where something large may have hit it.

Friday, March 04, 2022

The Holy Ordos - Inquisitional Chimera

 Next a trial of using contrast paints on a vehicle!

This chimera for my inquisitor and his retinue was inspired by the video by @warhipster painting a blood angels rhino using contrasts here:
It’s also my first decent attempt at chipping and looks pretty decent imho. The entire thing apart from the metals is done using contrasts, but even the metals are shaded with contrast paints.