Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Space Hulk 2014 - White Dwarf Sneak Pics

courtesy of Grot Orderly:

I present you pics from the latest White Dwarf, which is full of Space Hulk content. Additional mission, a battle report and juicy pics of the board and new tokens.

games, workshop, warhammer, 40k, space, hulk

games, workshop, warhammer, 40k, space, hulk

games, workshop, warhammer, 40k, space, hulk

games, workshop, warhammer, 40k, space, hulk

games, workshop, warhammer, 40k, space, hulk

games, workshop, warhammer, 40k, space, hulk

games, workshop, warhammer, 40k, space, hulk

games, workshop, warhammer, 40k, space, hulk