Tuesday, November 23, 2010

tanks, Tanks, TANKS, TAAAANKS!?!

Today has truly being an interesting and busy day but alas some time was put away for the hobby and the blog so all is well in the world! In that time however a disturbing thought crossed the mind of Millest, and that thought was:

I have no plans for my tanks!!

Yes, that's right, whilst I have plans and ideas for my vehicle crew and a rough idea of what camo schemes to play with I haven't given any thought to what vehicles to use.

I've now spent the afternoon toying with ideas on what tanks to use, what kits to buy and most importantly what to save up for. Whilst the list wasn't extensive (but potentially expensive which is a downside) it did puzzle me for a while and in the end I did narrow it down to the following five choices:
  • Option A - Basic Leman Russes straight from the box
  • Option B - Basic Leman Russes straight from the box with FW death Korps of Krieg upgrades
  • Option C - Basic Leman Russes straight from the box with FW death Korps of Krieg upgrades and turrets
  • Option D - Death Korps of Krieg Complete Mars Alpha Russes kits with various turrets inc Ryza pattern Russ turrets
  • Option E - Death Korps of Krieg Complete Mars Alpha Russes kits with various turrets (specialist tanks such as demolisher etc) utilising plastic turrets for standard Russes from the kits included in the FW Russes
Now in my mind I think I have decided on a plan for my force of rolling Steal Death but I'm curious as to the solutions and thoughts that others might have so whilst I'm working this week and am sorting a few other bits and pieces for the blog please feel free to leave me your thoughts and comments, as well as your votes in my poll on the right hand side, as to what options you would pick.

After all what could be more exciting then helping me recreate this image in my own special way:


  1. DKK Upgrades and turrets. Those turrets rule.

  2. Option C is the one I would go for.

  3. Option C too. Get some variety and eye candy in there but withought having to spend too much money :)
